Coastal areas need to adapt to climate change, whose effects at economic and social levels are becoming critical (e.g. sea level rise, extreme events, heat waves, O2 and pH decreases). It is necessary re-design the management of the coastal areas, integrating production, blue economy strategies with benefits deriving from protection and sustainable use of natural resources and ecosystems (ecosystemic approach). Most of the opportunities to guarantee sustainability and to regeneration are within the coastal environment, hosting a wide variety of sectors (maritime, touristic, cultural, residential, productive,..). AMA (Mediterranean Association of Aquaculture) in cooperation with Smart Bay proposes a pilot project aiming to quantify the balance between carbon fixation and carbon production of the mussel farming of La Spezia to define a pathway for carbon credit recognition for the shellfish farming. Blue Carbon Sink project is divided in 4 phases:
1- Analyses of CO2 absorption and emission due to the whole activities of Cooperativa Mitilicoltori Associati (AMA, ENEA)
2- Physiologial responses and ecosystem services (regulation and support) provided by mussels from acquacolture and natural systems (ENEA)
3- Extensive monitoring of marine environment (GREEN STAR project)
4- Identification of LCA model for the local production (ENEA, University of Bologna)