Smart Bay Santa Teresa
Smart Bay Santa Teresa
A natural laboratory of research, technology, sustainable tourism and mussel farming. ENEA, CNR and INGV, Municipality of Lerici, Scuola di Mare S. Teresa and Cooperativa Mitilicoltori Associati, with the contribution of all users of the Bay, collaborate to make the Bay of S. Teresa an ecosystem model to contrast the effects of climate change


Mollusc farming


Local authority

Sustainable tourism
Smart Bay needs you!
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Observe and ask to the researchers or Scuola di Mare about the on-going projects. Do not touch or remove any marine and terrestrial organisms or experimental systems, but help us to control that ecosystems and technological items are kept in places
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What is going on in the bay?
Seawater data from the bay and the mussel farm
See the graphs in real time See the data in real timeArticles
The Oyster Project 2024- Mussels and Oysters for Bay Regeneration
From June to early August 2024, Smart Bay S. Teresa hosted the children and teens from WWF Travels campus, organized by Verdeacqua and Scuola di Mare, who spent 7 weeks to discovering the underwater wonders of the bay. These young citizens contributed to the...
Our Future in a Shell: restoring the native oyster population to regenerate S. Teresa bay
Oysters, bivalve mollusks, perform key Services: they are filter feeders (filtering 140 l of water per day) contributing to keep the water clean; they build underwater structures, the 'oyster beds' or 'oyster reef' that are actually barriers helping to increase the...
Ellisolandia elongata: a coralline alga to contrast the climate change
Ellisolandia elongata is a red alga (Rhodophyta) that, as all plants, terrestrial and marine, do photosynthesis, that is, produces oxygen by capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the sea. Being a coral alga, it is also able to deposit calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in its...